I just flew in from Monterey and boy are my arms tired! ahem. Sorry. Still a bit loopy from spending a week with 55 high schoolers. We actually didn't fly, we drove. In big vans, one after the other. Me. and the driver. And 8 other teenagers. For. seven. hours. in. a row. Seriously, though, it was much fun! I am sunburned, exhausted and many dollars poorer (bought some CDs and shirts for JBug) but I had a blast. Teenagers keep you young, if only so you can keep up with them.
I have some new bloggy material...you can't spend a week with that many teens and have nothing to write about...so yay, me, for taking the lazy way out.
Many thanks to califmom and Mrs. T for posting for me while I was gone. And apparently, my cat hacked my blog as well?? Still, all's well that ends well, and I am home and rarin' to go. So get ready for regular posts again.. and today is my baby girl's SEVENTH birthday! geez, I am getting ollllld Hijinks to ensue forthwith...
*(this is where you tell me how much you missed me)
T, who missed you all a ton
3 sent chocolate:
Welcome Back!! s
Thanks, Beckie! Time to get back into the swing of things now.
Welcome back!! I missed ya and can't wait to hear about your camping trip.
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