This year, a ton of L.A. bloggers all took the same plane to blogher. We had a blast, and Southwest Airlines was really good to us.
So I got up to head to the airport, apparently I was running late and had no time to eat... I got on the plane, with NO food. I had my coffee with Bailey's Irish Cream (did you expect anything less) but I can't drink much because my stomach is upset. Adding to that, is the fact that I did not have time to eat breakfast this morning... in fact, I barely made my freakin' flight! I was literally the last person on the plane, Group C, seat 24. (It only goes to 30!)

So I get on the plane, and thank goodness some of the wonderful LA bloggers saved me a seat, we got to the airport and Megan, @undomestic diva on twitter, contracted for limos to the hotel. There were supposed to be two stretch limos. Instead, there was one Hummer limo and one van. We crammed TWENTY people in the Hummer limo and I thought that traffic in Los Angeles/Orange County was hell? The traffic wasn't moving at all. It was slightly raining, and it was just dead. (turns out later found out President Obama was at neighboring hotel last night and they shut the freeway down for him. And we? Were stuck in that. Missed a major swaggy party, but I guess I didn't need the crap, anyway.
I get into the hotel and I am starving. Remember, I haven't eaten all day, with the exception of animal crackers. So at 7 p.m. Chicago time, I am sitting with my girls, especially @califmom for $9 hamburgers, which were delicious! AND after that, I was fortified and ready for the drinks at the People's Party. Well, what passed as drinks. There was little alcohol in them, but hey.
The bloggers I ran into at the party, as well as the @room704 party and the swag, baby....oh the swag.. will be another post. The wireless here in the hotel is spotty, and it is really hard to get posts to publish... I may have to wait until I get home, sadly. I will keep trying!
T, who wishes you were here

9 sent chocolate:
How awesome you got to start out the Blogher experience on the plane with all your buddies! Looking forward to more details.
Miss you! Hope you're having/had fun!
Looks like you had a fantastic time - I'm jealous!
TooManyHats: I just wish it had been a different airline. Southwest does NOT feed you! 4 hour flight, with animal crackers and peanuts. Criminal.
flyinglogicmonkey: I am having a blast. (had a blast)
Tony Letts: Thanks Tony, it was great!
It was so awesome to finally meet you in person FINALLY. You are everything I thought you were and more. We WILL be shopping for shoes at BlogHer 2010. My husband will thank you.
Love ya, girl!
Hi Tina!
Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself. I love your pictures and recap, and I'm happy to have found your blog. :)
It was nice meeting you at was certainly an experience, wasn't it?!
Technically it was 21. My Vegas butt squeezed in there too! Nice olks like you made it bearable.
Shash: It was wonderful meeting you, finally! You are exactly like I knew you would be, but sexier! And you are ON for shoe shopping in the Big Apple! I am going early!
Danielle: your post from the Community Keynote made me laugh so hard I snorted. I came home and read it to my husband, and he snorted, too.
corrin: I had a blast at BlogHer, I am still sorting it all out! Writing helps.
Fear and Parenting: how funny, you must have been up there by Heather and Mike. I was so far back I am certain there were people in that limo I never even saw! Loved meeting you, and hanging out in the Chi Bar. Have ONE more post to write, on Sat. night, be looking for your link!
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